Benefits of Membership

Benefits of Membership

Why join AMIE:

The Association is known as the Association of Meat Importers and Exporters of Namibia.

By joining our association, you will benefit by being part our dynamic team and will have direct access to expertise and opportunities, in the importing and exporting of meat and poultry products within the Republic of Namibia. You will be joining a brand that seeks to promote the interests of its members and providing services to the trade industry to grow and expand the reach of the Association nationally, regionally and internationally.

The Main Objectives and Aims of AMIE are: 

  • To protect and advance the interests of the members, as contained in the constitution. 
  • To encourage and ensure co-operative efforts in all matters pertaining to the interests of Members who are engaged in meat and poultry import and export and engaged in manufacturing and wholesale, with such produce. 
  • To confer and collaborate with all, or any bodies controlling and/or administering and/or associated with the Meat and Poultry industry in Southern Africa and elsewhere, and to convey views and- recommendations to all concerned, in an endeavour to improve the meat and poultry import and export business and wholesale and manufacturing industry, that utilises such products. Specifically, to endeavour to facilitate exports of meat and poultry for Southern Africa. 
  • To disseminate among its Members, information on all matters affecting the meat and poultry industry and to print, publish, issue and circulate such papers, periodicals, books, circulars and other literary undertakings, as may seem conducive to any of these objects, and to correspond with any similar Associations in other country and to obtain any information with regard to the meat and poultry import, export and imported meat and poultry wholesale industry.  
  • To seek and maximise official recognition of the Association. 
  • To promote and safeguard the common interest of Members in their activities as importers and exporters, particularly to represent Members in their dealings with the Namibian Government, other Governments in Southern Africa, the respective Customs bodies, Board of Trade, Veterinary Services, other regulatory bodies and where necessary other industries. 
  • In this regard the Association will, if deemed to be in the Member’s interest, and if possible, nominate representatives for appointment to the various regulatory bodies. 
  • To do such lawful things ancillary and/or incidental to any of the foregoing conducive to and/or calculated to bring about the attainment of the above objects, and to carry out and give effect thereto in such a manner as the Association may deem necessary in the interests of its Members. 
  • To investigate all grievances and complaints and to deal with such matters as may be referred to it, if it is considered desirable to do so in the general interest of the Association and its members. 
  • To promote, support or oppose any legislation or any other measures affecting the rights, or objects of the Association and its members, and if necessary, to incur expenditure in connection therewith. 
  • To promote ethical business practice amongst all Association members and in the industry in general. 

How are the affairs of the Association directed?

Once a year the members are invited to attend the Associations Annual General Meeting, which is normally held in November.

At this meeting the members elect an Executive Committee consisting of a Chairman, and three (3) additional Members, which number can be varied by the Executive Committee per the constitution of the Association, who will serve until the next AGM.